
Here at SHDH we are dedicated to the women and babies in our region. We want you to know, we are on your team and we are very proud to have chosen to work towards achieving Baby Friendly Health Initiative (BFHI) accreditation. The BFHI is a global effort by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to implement practices that protect, promote and support breastfeeding. It’s key role is to ensure all parents receive information and support about feeding and caring for their babies to help them make informed decisions. All choices are supported; infant health and a positive experience for all mothers is our focus.

Visit for more information about the BFHI.

Breastfeeding Support

While breastfeeding is natural, it is also a learned skill and there are many reasons why the road can be hard. It’s common to need extra help especially in those early days and weeks.  

At Swan Hill District Health we provide a Breastfeeding Support Service. Our experienced midwives (including a qualified Lactation Consultant) are here to support you on your breastfeeding journey. 
Centre based or home visit appointments are available.

Contact Health Promotion for more information or to make an appointment.

Breastfeeding Community Needs

Recently local families and individuals provided some insights into breastfeeding experiences and community needs. We would like to thank all those who contributed to the study, outcomes are below.

Have any questions, feedback, suggestions or comments? Click here, or contact:

Other breastfeeding support:

  • Australian Breastfeeding Association  
    1800 686 268 or
    Local counsellor Kristin Parker 0417 355 329 or
  • Midwifery Unit, Swan Hill District Health 
    5033 9269 (support up to 6 weeks of age)
  • Maternal & Child Health 
    Swan Hill 5032 0300 
    24 hour telephone service 13 22 29
  • Mallee District Aboriginal Service
    (including Koori Maternity Service and Maternal and Child Health) 
    Swan Hill 5032 8600

Breastfeeding friendly locations 

For an up to date listing of local venues registered with the Breastfeeding Welcome Here Program or to explore other locations visit the Australian Breastfeeding Association website

Visit our new local Early Years Online Hub for up to date and relevant information for parents, carers and service providers in the Swan Hill Local Government Area, go to: