Services Available


MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration system that aims to formalise the relationship between
patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams.
Evidence shows that seeing the same GP and healthcare team regularly leads to better health
outcomes for patients.
When a general practice and their patients register in MyMedicare, the Australian Government will
provide additional funding to assist the general practice provide targeted care based on patient needs.

MyMedicare – General Practice Communication Toolkit

COVID-19 Vaccinations                                                          

  • Astrazeneca
  • Pfizer


All adults can get a booster if it’s been 6 months or longer since their last COVID-19 booster or confirmed infection (whichever is most recent). Boosters give extra protection against severe illness from COVID.

The Australian Government has accepted a recommendation about COVID-19 vaccines. All adults aged 75 years and older should receive an extra 2023 COVID-19 vaccine dose if six months have passed since their last dose.

This particularly includes people at higher risk of severe illness, like:

  • adults aged 65-74 years
  • everyone 18 years and over with medical comorbidities, disability or complex health needs.

Children and young people aged 5 to 17 years can consider getting a booster dose if:

  • they have a health condition that put them at risk of severe illness, and
  • if it’s been 6 months since their last dose or COVID-19 infection. 

Your doctor can help you decide if your child should receive a booster.

Booster doses are not recommended at this time for children and adolescents under 18 years of age who do not have any risk factors for severe COVID-19.

All vaccines are approved for use in Australia and continue to give strong protection against serious illness from COVID-19. Omicron-specific bivalent vaccines are preferred for boosters.


Testing for QFever requires two visits, spaced 7 days apart. Please ensure you can attend the second appointment to have the skin test read; otherwise the process will need to be restarted. During your first visit, we will conduct pre-testing consult, a detailed consent process, skin prick testing and provide a pathology request form for the QFever Serology test. Once both the skin prick test and QFever serology test confirm no prior exposure, we can process with the QFever vaccination at your second visit which typically occurs one week later.


  • Travel vaccinations
  • Child immunisations
  • Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine
  • Q Fever vaccine




Other services:

  • Gynecologist Appointments
  • Cervical (PAP) Screening
  • Antenatal Visits
  • Care Plans
  • Diabetic Care Plans
  • Mental Health Plans
  • Medication reviews
  • Aged Care Assessments
  • Telehealth Appointments
  • Phone consults
  • Skin Clinics
  • Mole Mapping
  • Insurance Medicals
  • DVA Medicals
  • Employment Medicals
  • Venesections
  • Specialists
  • Telehealth- Dr Bala
  • Oncology
  • Infectious Disease Specialists
  • Pediatricians
  • Minor surgery
  • Wound care – Dressings
  • Mirena insertion
  • Implanon insertion