New Body Mapping Machine

The Primary Health Medical Centre are pleased to announce the arrival of their new Automated Total Body Mapping machine (high-tech FotoFinder system).

This allows for full body photographic records that are available for comparison at a later date such that changes to skin lesions are detected early.  The system also uses revolutionary artificial intelligence technology to assist detection and augment diagnosis.

Why should I see a Dr ?

It is the most common form of cancer.  The good news:  skin cancer is in general both easy to identify and – in the early stages – easy to treat.  Early detection minimizes the severity of the disease.  For this reason, you should let a doctor check you regularly.

Am I a high-risk patient?

If you can answer β€˜Yes” to any of these questions, please make an appointment.

  • Do you have fa light skin type that is sensitive to the sun?
  • Do you have a lot of pigmentation marks?
  • Do you have large congenital pigmentation marks?
  • Do you have atypical birthmarks or those that have recently changed?
  • Did you get sunburn as a child or teenager?
  • Have you already developed skin cancer yourself?
  • Are you regularly exposed to strong sunlight?

For more information or make an appointment contact the Primary Health Medical Centre on Ph: 03 5033 9900