Cancer Services

SHDH provides a number of services in the area of cancer care, our care is designed to provide a supportive  and welcoming environment for patient and families with a greater focus on overall care including physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

Cancer patients are able to receive support and treatment from our medical and multi-disciplinary team to ensure optimal treatment.

Services include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Visiting Medical Oncology
  • McGrath Breast Care Nursing Services
  • Cancer Care Coordinator
  • Resource Centre
  • Access to Allied Health (including Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiologists, Occupational Therapists, Podiatrists, Dietitians, Speech Pathologists, Social Work and Counselling)

Tele-health Oncology Clinic

Tele-health Oncology is part of our ongoing commitment to improving local access to cancer care.  This type of appointment is ideal for patients and their family between chemotherapy treatments to be supported locally by the oncology nurses they know and who are familiar with their treatment.

Cancer Services

Cancer Support Resource Centre, Resources and links.
Chemotherapy Services
McGrath Breast Care Nursing Service
Cancer Care Coordinator
Oncology Exercise Group
Wig service

Cancer can be a very complex and difficult experience with many appointments, tests and treatments. Support resources are a great way to help you better understand this process.  Support can mean different things to everyone from support groups, to information, symptom control, social support, rehabilitation and spiritual support. Below are a few links we feel may be able to provide some of this support, or alternately you can drop into our resource center and our Cancer Care Coordinator maybe able to assist you with finding the best advice for yourself.

Cancer Council Victoria  Cancer Nurse Ph 13 11 20

CAN-ASSIST (NSW only) 0474 928 919

Optimal Cancer Care Pathways

A lot can happen in a hurry when you’re diagnosed with cancer. The Optimal Cancer Care Pathway can help you make sense of what should happen. They will also help you with what questions to ask your health professionals to make sure you receive the best care at every step, for more information go to

Loddon Mallee Integrated Cancer Service (LMICS):

LMICS has developed an interactive map where you can locate many supportive care services in your local area. Go to the Regional Map and Loddon Mallee Directory

Useful numbers & links

Mental Health Resources 

Australia has great mental health services and resources, but it can be tough finding the ones that suit you best. This search Head to Health is made easier by hand picking resources from publicly funded providers.

Cancer Mind Care is a free, self-help platform offering tailored mental health support for cancer patients, their support persons, clinicians and First nations peoples.


Mortgage Relief Scheme – 1800 134 872

Utility Relief Scheme – 1800 658 521

Centrelink- sickness allowance support/ Carer support allowance -132 307

Financial and Legal referral services – 13 11 20

Family Concerns

Commonwealth Respite Centre –  1800 059 059

Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)

Rural Victorians are eligible for travel and accommodation subsidies when they travel more than 100 kilometres for specialist medical treatment.  You must meet all the eligibility criteria and complete VPTAS form to apply. Click here to access information and application form.

Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) (NSW) 1800 362 253

Swan Hill Neighbourhood house – Community Transport Program –  fee for service transportation 03 5032 1549