Nurse Practitioner Clinic
Nurse Practitioner services are free, no referral is needed:
Note: Callers to please mention ‘pregnancy choices’ when requiring termination of pregnancy support.
Men’s Sexual Health Clinic
Provided by a Nurse Practitioner. A free men’s sexual health check-up including full STI screen and mpox vaccination as required. No referral needed.
Learn more about mpox here:
Clinic 60 (Youth Health Service)
Services include:
This is a free and confidential service for those under the age of 30 years. No referral or Medicare card is required for this service, and bookings can be made by calling Community Health.
How can Clinic 60 help me? Our Clinic 60 team are dedicated to supporting people to make decisions that are right for you. The clinic offers testing, advice and support in all areas of sexual health. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to have a sexual health check every 12 months, or whenever you have symptoms or change sexual partners. We want you to feel comfortable to come as often as you need for your free sexual health check.
Can I just walk in? We prefer if you call ahead to book an appointment. Usually it only takes about 15 minutes for a STI test, but we will always give you as much time as you need. You can book an appointment in person (at 125 Campbell Street) or by giving us a call on (03) 5033 9337.
What if I’m pregnant? Clinic 60 can provide testing, support and options on pregnancy choices, giving you all the facts needed to make an informed choice about your health and wellbeing. We are a non-judgmental service; we will support you with information on all your options: pregnancy care and how to access support in our community; termination of pregnancy, including medical and surgical; and advice about adoption.
What if I don’t feel comfortable during the appointment? Tell the nurse practitioner that you feel anxious or you do not feel comfortable. It is okay to feel nervous before and also during your appointment, the nurses are very understanding, it is okay to ask for a break.
What LGBTIQA+ support do you offer? Clinic 60 provides reproductive and sexual health services, information and referrals for LGBTIQA+ clients. We are an inclusive and safe service who can provide you with a listening ear, or provide you with more information, support or advice on local or regional support services and groups.
Women’s Clinic
To learn more about the service see more of our frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the link below and our service flyer.
See Women’s Health for more information
Sexual & Reproductive Health
125 Campbell Street, Swan Hill
Phone 03 5033 9337
Fax 03 5036 4561
Email [email protected]