Swan Hill District Health provides a number of services in the area of cancer care; our care is designed to provide a supportive and welcoming environment for patient and families with a greater focus on overall care including physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. We have a team of visiting Medical Oncologists from the Bendigo Cancer Centre that come to Swan Hill once a month to provide face to face services for their clients without the concern of having to travel. Whilst your care may not be under the Bendigo Cancer Centre we also have a number of other services to assist cancer patients and there families in the Swan Hill region.
Staffed by specialist chemotherapy nurses, under the guidance of Bendigo Cancer Centre oncologist’s. Available from Tuesday—Friday.
Telehealth Oncology
Along side the monthly oncology visit we also provide monthly telehealth session between client/family oncologist and chemotherapy nurses.
McGrath Breast Care Nursing Services
Service managed by a specialist breast care nurse. Provides supportive care for clients and families following a diagnosis of breast cancer. Available Monday to Thursday with alternate Tuesdays.
Cancer Care Coordinator
Provides supportive care for people diagnosed with cancer and their families. There as a support, advocate and contact for patients and families, when diagnosed with cancer. Available Tuesday – Thursday.
Lymphoedema Services
Run by a lymphodema trained physiotherapist where patients are provided with education and management advice for those people with or at risk of lymphedema.
Oncology Exercise Group
Offered to patients undergoing cancer treatment or within 12 months of completing. Appropriate exercise has shown to help manage some common side effects of fatigue, loss of muscle mass, speed up recovery and to improve your quality of life. Available Monday and Wednesday.
Wig Service
Swan Hill District Health is the lead agency for the coordination of the vital local Wig Service. A local hairdresser will work with you to help choose, order and fit your wig.
Allied Health
We have a number of allied health services that can also assist you throughout your treatment including physiotherapy, exercise physiologists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, dietitians, speech pathologists, social work and counselling.
Advance Care Planning
Enable you to share with your family, doctor and those close to you, your preferences, beliefs and values in regards to your future healthcare. Available Fridays
Palliative Care
Is specialised care and support provided in the community for someone living with a life threatening or life limiting illness. It is designed to improve quality of life for clients, their families and caregivers.
We offer services for prevention via community education and clinical services for National screening programs such as the Cervical Screening Test.
Cancer patients can receive support and treatment from our medical and multi-disciplinary team to ensure optimal care within the Swan Hill region.
For enquiries on any of these services, please contact:
Cancer Care Coordinator
Tuesday – Thursday
125 Campbell Street, Swan Hill
Phone: (03) 5033 9201
Or go to our Cancer Services page