To align with our service re-location we have changed our Department name from Health Promotion to Community Health to more clearly reflect the vast array of services we provide. Recently we have moved from 60 McCrae Street (onsite at Swan Hill District Health) to 125 Campbell Street, Swan Hill. This move is to enable the redevelopment of the new Emergency Department.
Co-located with us at 125 Campbell Street are the Dietetics Department, Cancer Care Coordinator and McGrath Breast Care Service.
Services provided at Community Health include:
The Swan Hill Pregnancy & Early Years Collaborative are hosting another Pregnancy and Early Childhood Expo on May 8th, 2024, at the Swan Hill Town Hall. Please see below Expo Flyer and Expression of Interest Form for potential stall holders for the event.
Community Health
125 Campbell St, Swan Hill
Phone 03 5033 9337
Fax 03 5036 4561
Email [email protected]